Waraku Education

Ideas, experiments and observations as they occur [and I have time] relating to teaching and learning in a secondary school - special focus on ICT.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Filezilla and PHP Designer 2006 combo

Just prior to Christmas 2005 I documented thoughts about how to set up the PHP MySQL learning environment at school.

Recently I discovered that I can set the default editor in Filezilla to PHP Designer 2006. This means that students can right click on a file hosted on the LiveLAMP server and edit it. Up it pops in PHP Designer 2006. On closing the file with PHP Designer it asks if you want to save the file. Works a treat and makes the editing and checking cycle quicker.

Students need to be told to use Filezilla to make regular copies of their work in their network home folders as the LiveLAMP work is NOT backed up

This method does not work well where the remote server is not within the LAN.


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