Freedom Toaster
A Freedom Toaster is a vending machine for dispensing free open source software. Users bring along their media (CD's and DVD's), select the product that they would like and it is burnt to their media.
There are instructions for how to make the machine, install and maintain. It would be good to see one of these in our public library.
The instuctions seemed to be very good and it might be useful to hack for things like a student timetable kiosk in a school
There are instructions for how to make the machine, install and maintain. It would be good to see one of these in our public library.
The instuctions seemed to be very good and it might be useful to hack for things like a student timetable kiosk in a school
At 10:21 pm,
Anonymous said…
Please let me know if you go ahead and decide to build one. We'd love to include it on the main Freedom Toaster website. - Jason
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