I've lost my balls
That was so out.
Do you expect me to get that?
See if you can get this.
Makes me giddy looking at the pictures let alone play tennis there.
Ideas, experiments and observations as they occur [and I have time] relating to teaching and learning in a secondary school - special focus on ICT.
The trouble – one of the troubles – with calling education a "fundamental human right" is that it then becomes the obligation of others to educate you, and you can just sit there with your arms folded and wait for it to just be poured into you. Calling it a human right undermines the notion that education might be something which is best achieved by being actively pursued rather than merely poured into a passively open mouth.
He was commenting on the Zambian consititution.
ajaxOS is an operating system that has been customized to be fully AJAX "aware". By seamlessly integrating the power of web based applications with Linspire, ajaxOS recognizes any compatible file (doc, svg, odf, txt, xls, etc...) and launches the most up-to-date AJAX software from a Firefox browser.
The Foundation has recognized that one of the forces slowing medical progress is
greed — commercial rivalries, bureaucratic rivalries, personal rivalries.
It’s often prohibitively expensive to alter a company’s computing infrastructure once it’s been established, so choosing well from the first day is critically important.
If a company standardizes on the OpenDocument format for their word processing files, they can pick and choose the applications used to create and edit them—and later change their mind if something better comes along. On the other hand, selecting Microsoft’s DOC format gives the choice of... Word.